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10 posts tagged with "quality-risk-management"

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Deprecating integration auth/login

· One min read

We're deprecating the auth/login endpoint in favor of using apikey authentication for the following reasons:

  • Enhanced Security: API keys, being long and random, offer better protection against unauthorized access compared to traditional passwords. They can also be easily revoked or rotated if necessary.

  • Streamlined Simplicity: API keys simplify the authentication process, eliminating the need for complex login workflows, making integration more straightforward.

This transition will improve the security and efficiency of our API integrations.

Report API - "system_updated_from" and "system_updated_to" fields now available

· One min read

We’re introducing the new fields system_updated_from and system_updated_to in the Report APIs and Inspection Management page to address the limitations shown by the existing updated_from and updated_to fields. The new fields will accurately track data events for each inspection and cover more use cases. This enhancement ensures that clients can efficiently access updated inspection data via API without disrupting the UI's inspection list.

For more details, refer to the Report APIs specification.

Purchase Order Association APIs - Post, Get, Delete purchase order associations

· One min read

Link parent and child POs to efficiently manage relationships between master and split POs.

As master POs may sometimes be split into smaller POs for distribution to different locations, the Purchase Order Association APIs enable organizations to link the master PO and split POs to leverage the POs’ association in the T&A, as well as manage PO associations by retrieving and deleting PO association data.

For more details, refer to the Purchase Order Association APIs specification.

Purchase Order APIs - “styleName” field is now available

· One min read

Generate POs and retrieve PO data for integration with your internal systems using the new styleName field. Initially, the styleName data point could only be generated through manual input or file import. Inspectorio system now supports this field in the existing Purchase Order API integration to facilitate the display of meaningful names corresponding to style IDs.

For more details, refer to the Purchase Orders APIs specification.

Purchase Order APIs and File Transfer/Import - "eventName" field is now available

· One min read

To provide additional information about POs, Inspectorio system now supports the eventName attribute on the PO level, which stores the reference data of items included in the PO, such as the year, cycle, department code, and department name. A new column called PO_EventName was also added to our Purchase Order file template as an optional field. It will show as the "Event Name" column on the PO Management page. This new attribute can be leveraged to store other optional information.

For more details, refer to the Purchase Orders APIs specification.

Purchase Orders APIs - "shipmentTerm" field is now available for items

· One min read

Inspectorio system now supports the shipmentTerm field on the item level, which stores the reference data about the shipment term for each item included in the PO. Vendors can refer to the shipment term to create POs with correct items and quantities. The shipmentTerm attribute is an optional field, which can be leveraged to store other optional information.

For more details, refer to the Purchase Orders APIs specification.

Purchase Order APIs & File Transfer/Import - clientCreatedDate field is added now!

· One min read

Though it's possible to create purchase orders directly from Inspectorio system, most of the cases customers have purchase orders created from their systems then synced to Inspectorio's. The creation date refers to a date when purchase orders are written at customers'systems; and some customers use that date to calculate actual order lead time for their analysis. For this purpose, we introduced a new field clientCreatedDate in PO APIs as well as added a new column PO_ClientCreatedDate to our Purchase Order file template as an optional field.

For more details about the new field, please refer to the Purchase Order APIs specification.

For more information about the new column, please refer to the Specification in the PDF link.

Measurement Chart File Transfer/Import - New “Set_Id” and “Source" columns are added!

· One min read

From now on, you can get the information whether a POM (Point of Measurement) is critical or not via the Assignment, Booking, Report APIs. There is isPomCritical boolean optional field in the GET and LIST methods. (Please contact your Account Manager if you want more details about the critical POM feature on the Sight platform).

For more information, please refer to the Assignment APIs (specification here), Booking APIs (specification here), Report APIs (specification here).

Factory Risk Profile APIs- Factory Name, Country Code, Office and Local Country Code Fields are removed!

· One min read

The fields name, country, offices in factoryInformation and localCountry in localInformation, are removed from List Factory Risk Profiles and Get Factory Risk Profile API as these information are optional and they do not inform if there is any change in their values.

For more details about this change, please refer to the response body of the List Factory Risk Profiles API (specification here) and Get Factory Risk Profile API (specification here).