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PUT Time and Actions API - Update Milestone API is now available!

· One min read

From now on, you can update multiple milestones (either production or process) in the same T&A via API, besides available options of file upload and bulk update button. Saving your time and reducing your workload while ensuring the data consistency; all can be achieved by leveraging this new API to integrate your internal system with Tracking.

For more details, please refer to the Time and Actions API specification.

Measurement Chart File Transfer/Import - New “Set_Id” and “Source" columns are added!

· One min read

From now on, you can get the information whether a POM (Point of Measurement) is critical or not via the Assignment, Booking, Report APIs. There is isPomCritical boolean optional field in the GET and LIST methods. (Please contact your Account Manager if you want more details about the critical POM feature on the Sight platform).

For more information, please refer to the Assignment APIs (specification here), Booking APIs (specification here), Report APIs (specification here).

PUT Time and Actions API - Update Production Status API of T&A is now available!

· One min read

From now on, you can update the production status of multiple milestones via API. Each T&A tracks milestones of two types: process or production. For the latter, it requires you to not only track actual dates but also the production output, either by item level or PO level. Instead of starting the milestone manually and then uploading Excel file to update production status, you are now able to get both tasks done at once via API.

For more details, please refer to the Time and Actions API specification.

Factory Risk Profile APIs- Factory Name, Country Code, Office and Local Country Code Fields are removed!

· One min read

The fields name, country, offices in factoryInformation and localCountry in localInformation, are removed from List Factory Risk Profiles and Get Factory Risk Profile API as these information are optional and they do not inform if there is any change in their values.

For more details about this change, please refer to the response body of the List Factory Risk Profiles API (specification here) and Get Factory Risk Profile API (specification here).