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2 posts tagged with "responsible-sourcing-compliance"

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Deprecating integration auth/login

· One min read

We're deprecating the auth/login endpoint in favor of using apikey authentication for the following reasons:

  • Enhanced Security: API keys, being long and random, offer better protection against unauthorized access compared to traditional passwords. They can also be easily revoked or rotated if necessary.

  • Streamlined Simplicity: API keys simplify the authentication process, eliminating the need for complex login workflows, making integration more straightforward.

This transition will improve the security and efficiency of our API integrations.

List Report adds standard version

· One min read

As the standard version is being used for analytics purposes by some key clients, we have added version inside standard in the List Report API endpoint.

  • API Method: List Report
  • Attributes: version
  • Description: When report data is pulled, standard version attribute will always be available in Rise API.

With an aim to support clients to get important information from form data, we have added total_available_capacity_in_units and total_number_of_employees inside formData in the GET Step Execution API endpoint.

  • API Method: Get Step Execution
  • Attributes: total_available_capacity_in_units, total_number_of_employees
  • Description: If the assessments use Factory Capacity Form or Factory Information Form, these attributes will be available in Rise API.

With an aim to support clients to get important information related to metadata, we have added 8 new attributes inside capa and assessmentExecution in the GET Report API endpoint.

  • API Method: Get Report
  • Attributes: dueDate, escalatedBy, followUpType, assessmentLocation, assessmentDueDate, assignedUsers, declineReasons, version
  • Description: When report data is pulled, these attributes will be available in Rise API.

For more details, please refer to the List Report API Guide found on this page.