E1001 | Structure | One or more of the following field headers are missing or misnamed. All of these field headers are required: PO_Number , Supplier_ID , Product_Line_ID , Style_ID , Product_Category_ID , Item_ID , Color , Size , Order_Quantity , Packing_Type . |
E1002 | Structure | One or more of the following fields are missing or misnamed. All of these fields are required: PO_Number , Supplier_ID , Product_Line_ID , Style_ID , Product_Category_ID , Item_ID , Color , Size , Order_Quantity , Packing_Type . For Assortments, these fields are required: Packing_Type_ID , Order_Carton_Quantity , Configuration . |
E1003 | Structure | There is extra data outside of the field headers. Delete the extra data in any line that contains more values than there are field headers. |
E2002 | Invalid Data | A PO has more than one OPO_Number . Each Item row in a PO must have the same OPO_Number . |
E2005 | Invalid Data | A PO has more than one Product_Line_ID for an Item row. Each Item row in a PO must have the same Product_Line_ID . |
E2006 | Invalid Data | A PO has Product_Line_ID that is not configured as a Product_Line_ID in the Inspection Data Source. Add this Product_Line_ID to the list if it is correct, or else change it to match a configured Product_Line_ID . |
E2009 | Invalid Data | A PO has a PO_Type that is not configured as a PO_Type in the Inspection Rule Settings. Add this PO_Type to the list if it is correct, or else change it to match a configured PO_Type . |
E2011 | Invalid Data | A PO has more than one Style_ID for an Item row. Each Item row in a PO must have the same Style_ID . |
E2014 | Invalid Data | A PO has Product_Category_ID that is not configured as a Product_Category_ID in the Inspection Data Source. Add this Product_Category_ID to the list if it is correct, or else change it to match a configured Product_Category_ID . |
E2015 | Invalid Data | A PO has more than one Product_Category_ID for an Item row. Each Item row in a PO must have the same Product_Category_ID . |
E2022 | Invalid Data | A PO has Brand_ID that is not configured as a Brand_ID in the Inspection Data Source. Add this Brand_ID to the list if it is correct, or else change it to match a configured Brand_ID . |
E2023 | Invalid Data | The Data_Provider_ID must either match the Brand_Retailer_ID, Supplier_ID, or Factory_ID of the PO, or equal to "data_provider" in order to reference your own organization. |
E2024 | Invalid Data | A PO has an invalid PO_Status value. The PO_Status can have "canceled" value or it can also be left empty. |
E2025 | Invalid Data | A PO has more than one PO_Status for an Item row. Each Item row in a PO must have the same PO_Status . |
E2026 | Invalid Data | A PO has more than one PO_Source for an Item row. Each Item row in a PO must have the same PO_Source . |
E2027 | Invalid Data | A PO has an invalid PO_ClientCreatedDate value. This field follows Date format: for example, 2019-06-03, or it can also be left empty. |
E2028 | Invalid Data | A PO has more than one PO_ClientCreatedDate for an Item row. Each Item row in a PO must have the same PO_ClientCreatedDate . |
E2029 | Invalid Data | A PO has more than one PO_EventName for an Item row. Each Item row in a PO must have the same PO_EventName . |
E3001 | Organizations | A PO has a Supplier with a custom Supplier_ID that is not an associated organization. Ensure the custom ID matches an existing associated Supplier organization or create a new organization with a custom ID. |
E3002 | Organizations | A PO has a Factory with a custom Factory_ID that is not an associated organization. Ensure the custom ID matches an existing associated Factory organization or create a new organization with a custom ID. |
E3003 | Organizations | A PO has a Factory with a custom Brand_Retailer_ID that is not an associated organization. Ensure the custom ID matches an existing associated Brand/Retailer organization or create a new organization with a custom ID. |
E3004 | Organizations | A PO has more than one Supplier_ID . Each Item row in a PO must have the same Supplier_ID . |
E3005 | Organizations | A PO has more than one Factory_ID . Each Item row in a PO must have the same Factory_ID . |
E3006 | Organizations | A PO has more than one Brand_Retailer_ID . Each Item row in a PO must have the same Brand_Retailer_ID . |
E3007 | Organizations | A PO has “data_provider” in an Organization column that does not match your Organization type. If used, “data_provider” must match your Organization type. |
E3008 | Organizations | A PO has a local organization not linked to any of your associated organizations. Please contact your Inspectorio Administrator to perform the action, and try again. |
E3009 | Organizations | PO has a Data_Provider_ID that is not configured in your Local Organizations. |
E3010 | Organizations | PO has more than one Data_Provider_ID. Each Item row in a PO must have the same Data_Provider_ID. |
E4002 | Packing Data | A PO has different Order_Carton_Quantity for Assortments with the same Packing_Type_ID . Ensure that each Packing_Type_ID has the same Order_Carton_Quantity for each Item. |
E5001 | Other | Oops, we did not expect that! Please try again or send any relevant information of your attempt to Inspectorio Support at [email protected]. |
E5002 | Other | This service is unavailable. Please wait a few minutes and try again or send any relevant information of your attempt to Inspectorio Support at [email protected]. |