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Organizations Data Structure and Requirements

Inspectorio Responsible Sourcing & Compliance (RSC), as a responsible sourcing platform, focuses on organizations based assessments execution.

Inspectorio RSC API enables you to take over full control over managing your supply chain entirely within the platform. Bring in all organizations that you are working with into the platform, build associations for correct data sharing and manage organizations profiles effectively and autonomously.

Organization Types​

Inspectorio RSC gives you the ability to reflect your entire supply chain by (POSTing) two types of organizations. Different organization types have different roles in auditing operations and thus perform different activities within the platform.

  1. Partner

Partner organizations represent Suppliers, Vendors, Inspection Agencies that your organization is working with.

  1. Factory

Factory is an actual production facility organization that is normally going through the assessment.

You can specify the type of organization that you wish to integrate through (type) field available in our POST API method. This is a mandatory string field supporting two types of values: (factory) or (partner).

Mind that it is not possible to update the type of organization once it is created. One organization on Inspectorio RSC can be either partner or factory, but not both.

Organization attributes​

There are numerous attributes that can be included into organization profile on Inspectorio RSC depending on organization type. Utilize the capabilities outlined below to group organizations with similar profiles into assessments activation lists and activate responsible sourcing audits efficiently.

Partner organization attributes:

Field NamePropertiesTypeDescriptionExample
General information
idRequired, UniquestringUnique identifier of an OrganizationP123
nameRequiredstringName of the OrganizationPartner A
typeRequiredstringEnum: factory,partner. Field is case-sensitive.partner
addressRequiredstringAddress of the Organization901 Marquette Ave. S, Suite 603
citystringCity of the OrganizationMinneapolis
countrystringCountry of the Organization represented by the standard ISO Alpha-2 codeUS for the United States
postalstringZip / Postal code of the Organization55402
provincestringProvince of the OrganizationMinnesota
isFoodFacilitybooleanIndicates by true or false whether the Organization has the ability to produce foodtrue
contacts[].idstringUnique identifier of the organization contactE123
contacts[].emailRequiredstringEmail of the organization contact[email protected]
contacts[].firstNameRequiredstringFirst name of the organization contactJane
contacts[].lastNamestringLast name of the organization contactAddams
contacts[].phoneRequiredstringPhone number of the organization contact12345678
contacts[].phoneCountryCodestringCountry code of the phone number of a Contact084
Other Attributes
businessPartnerTypesOnly required in case organization's type is partnerstringMultiple choice from the list:
Fabric Supplier
Trim Supplier
Merchandise Vendor
Packaging Supplier
Production/Storage Facility Owner
Field is case-sensitive.
Fabric Supplier

Factory organization attributes:

Field NamePropertiesTypeDescriptionExample
General information
idRequired, UniquestringUnique identifier of an OrganizationF123
nameRequiredstringName of the OrganizationFactory A
typeRequiredstringEnum: factory,partner. Field is case-sensitive.factory
addressRequiredstringAddress of the Organization901 Marquette Ave. S, Suite 603
citystringCity of the OrganizationMinneapolis
countrystringCountry of the Organization represented by the standard ISO Alpha-2 codeUS for the United States
postalstringZip / Postal code of the Organization55402
provincestringProvince of the OrganizationMinnesota
isFoodFacilitybooleanIndicates by true or false whether the Organization has the ability to produce foodtrue
contacts[].idstringUnique identifier of the organization contactE123
contacts[].emailRequiredstringEmail of the organization contact[email protected]
contacts[].firstNameRequiredstringFirst name of the organization contactJane
contacts[].lastNamestringLast name of the organization contactAddams
contacts[].phoneRequiredstringPhone number of the organization contact12345678
contacts[].phoneCountryCodestringCountry code of the phone number of a Contact084
Other Attributes
partners[].idOnly required in case partner field is added into request bodystringUnique identifier of the Partner Organization123
partners[].nameOnly required in case partner field is added into request bodystringName of the Partner OrganizationPartner A
partners[].authorizedCapabilitiesinteger[]Multiple choice from the list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Decoding of numbers:
1 = "DYEING",
5 = "WEAVING",
6 = "LAUNDRY",
partners[].manufacturingTypesinteger[]Multiple choice from the list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Decoding of numbers:
1 = "FACTORY",
2 = "MILL",
3 = "LAUNDRY",
4 = "PACKING",
5 = "TRIM"
partners[].locationStatusstringSingle choice from the list:
"In Progress",
"Pending Transfer",
"Pending Duplicate Check"
Field is case-sensitive.
partners[].registrationDatedate-timeDate of registration of the Partner Organization18-01-15
partners[].registrationStatusintegerSingle choice from the list: 1, 2, 3, 4
Decoding of numbers:
3 = "PENDING",
partners[].scopeintegerSingle choice from the list: 1, 2, 3
Decoding of numbers:
3 = "BOTH"


Inspectorio RSC is a network platform empowering Brands, Retailers, Vendors and Factories to cooperate together within centralized platform for greater effectiveness and transparency. Thus, when integrating your supply chain organizations into Inspectorio RSC, it is pivotal to build proper associations between organizations that are partnering.

Associations allow you to collaborate with organizations within your ecosystem, engage into compliance operations and share information with relevant stakeholders.

All organizations that you are pushing into the system will be automatically associated with your organization. It will make all organizations’ profiles accessible through your account for assessments activations.

But this is also important to build associations between Partners (Vendors/Suppliers) and its Factories to allow these organizations to work together on assessments and get visibility over the important audits data.

There is a type of relationship that can be established between Partner organization and its Factories, which is Business Partnership

  • Partnership association type presupposes subcontracting business relationship between Partner organization and its Factories. One Factory can have multiple Partners it is working with and vice versa. Association is built through (partners[].id) and (partners[].name) fields where Partner ID is a unique external ID of Partner organization and Partner Name is the name of the organization.

  • If the ID does not exist in Inspectorio system at the moment of integration yet, then it will be created automatically via REST-API with default type Partner.

  • If an organization whose type is partner can not be created due to duplicates, it means that there is an existing partner with the same partner ID. In this case, (PUT) method is the only accepted method to update the partner's information.

Mentioned fields for establishing both types of associations are available in (POST) and (PUT) methods for factory of organization's type only.

For further information, you can look at our API References page here, to understand better data structure for organizations.