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Transfer Purchase Orders

This schema allows you to import purchase orders so that you can reflect purchase orders from your system to your account of Inspectorio QRM. Purchase orders include information about styles, items/products, cartons, quantities, etc. Your end-users can then use them on the Platform. Here is the provided information formatted as a Markdown table:

General Information​

PO_NumberRequired, UniqueUnique identifier of a Purchase Order in your account of Inspectorio SIGHT. Note that the same PO Number can be created via different data sources (Manual, API Integration, etc.).123-1
OPO_NumberSecondary PO Number for your own purpose. It can be used as the PO Number provided by your client, or the one registered in another system of yours, etc.123
Shipment_DateFormat must be yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ (UTC format) or HH:mm:ss p.2018-01-15T01:12:55Z
8/22/2018 12:00:00 AM
Shipment_End_DateThis field can be blank, but if it is not blank, then it must follow DateTime format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ.2019-06-03T20:15:01Z
Data_Provider_IDOrganization ID of the data provider. The value will be retrieved in your organizations on Inspectorio Sight Platform and validated from the account of the specified data provider.
In order to make your own organization the data provider of a purchase order, you can specify the value "data_provider".
Brand_Retailer_IDPrecondition: must be configured in your Inspectorio's account.retailer_1
Supplier_IDRequiredPrecondition: must be configured in your Inspectorio's account.supplier_1
Factory_IDPrecondition: must be configured in your Inspectorio's account.factory_1
PO_TypePrecondition: must be configured in your Inspectorio's account.Replenishment
PO_SourceIndicate the source of materials (produced by domestic vendors or imported from vendors outside the country).Domestic
PO_StatusStatus of a purchase order. Possible values: canceledcanceled
PO_ClientCreatedDateFormat must be yyyy-mm-dd.2019-06-03
PO_EventNameThe corresponding event's name of the purchase order.


Item_IDRequiredValidation: must be unique for a combination of Color and Size.123-Blue-S
Style_IDRequiredIdentifier of a style that belongs to an item.321-123
Product_Line_IDRequiredPrecondition: must be configured in your Inspectorio's account.product_line_1
Product_Category_IDRequiredPrecondition: must be configured in your Inspectorio's account.product_category_1
ColorRequiredThe color of the item.Blue
SizeRequiredThe size of the item.S
Brand_IDPrecondition: must be configured in your Inspectorio's account.brand_1
Order_QuantityRequiredThe ordered quantity of the item.107
Shipment_TermShipment_Term is an optional field enabling the possibility to specify the division of responsibilities, costs, and risks for transporting goods between buyer and seller in the client's Purchase Order system.
This field follows string format.


Packing_TypeRequiredPossible values: SOLID, ASSORTMENT.ASSORTMENT
Case_PackIf Packing_Type = SOLIDNumber of items per Solid carton.6
Packing_Type_IDRequired if Packing_Type = ASSORTMENTUnique identifier of an assortment carton.ASTMT-1231
Order_Carton_QuantityRequired if Packing_Type = ASSORTMENTQuantity of ordered cartons.1
ConfigurationRequired if Packing_Type = ASSORTMENTNumber of items per Assortment carton.35