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data object
address stringrequired

Organization address line 1

Possible values: non-empty

Example: 5 Madison Avenue
address2 string

Organization address line 2

Example: Suite 101
billing_email stringnullable

Billing email

city stringnullable

City where the organization locates

Example: New York
contacts object[]required

Organization contact information

Possible values: >= 1

  • Array [
  • email string

    Email of the organization contact

    firstName stringrequired

    First name of the organization contact

    Possible values: non-empty

    Example: John
    lastName stringnullable

    Last name of the organization contact

    Example: Doe
    phone stringnullable

    Phone number of the organization contact

    Example: 1505123123
    workPhone string

    Work phone number of the organization contact

    Example: 1505456456
  • ]
  • country stringrequired

    ISO Alpha-2 country code

    Example: US
    createdAt string

    Creation date and time of the organization in the system

    Example: 2021-06-02 12:34:02.861000+00:00
    id stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    linkedId stringnullable
    linkedTo string

    Global organization that links to this local organization

    Example: 3111222
    location objectnullable

    Organization location

    latitude numberrequired

    Latitude of the organization location

    Example: 38.8951
    longitude numberrequired

    Longitude of the organization location

    Example: -77.0364
    name stringrequired

    Name of the organization

    Possible values: non-empty

    Example: Acme Corp
    officeId stringnullable

    Office ID

    Example: office_123
    phone stringrequired

    Organization phone number

    Possible values: non-empty

    Example: 1505111222
    postal stringnullable

    Organization postal code

    Example: A1B2C3
    province stringnullable

    Province where the organization locates

    Example: New York
    type stringrequired

    Support F(Factory) S(Supplier) B(Brand) R(Retailer) V(Vendor)

    Possible values: non-empty

    Example: S
    updatedAt string

    Last updated date and time of the organization in the system

    Example: 2021-06-02 12:34:02.861000+00:00
    description stringnullable

    description of the local organization

    Example: This is a description
    "data": {
    "address": "5 Madison Avenue",
    "address2": "Suite 101",
    "billing_email": "",
    "city": "New York",
    "contacts": [
    "email": "",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "phone": "1505123123",
    "workPhone": "1505456456"
    "country": "US",
    "createdAt": "2021-06-02 12:34:02.861000+00:00",
    "id": "string",
    "linkedId": "string",
    "linkedTo": "3111222",
    "location": {
    "latitude": 38.8951,
    "longitude": -77.0364
    "name": "Acme Corp",
    "officeId": "office_123",
    "phone": "1505111222",
    "postal": "A1B2C3",
    "province": "New York",
    "type": "S",
    "updatedAt": "2021-06-02 12:34:02.861000+00:00",
    "description": "This is a description"