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  • Array [

  • attachments


    Attachments in Chatbox

  • Array [

  • fileName stringnullable

    File Name of the attachment in Chatbox

    url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • createdDate date-time

    Creation date of the message in Chatbox

    email string

    Email of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    firstName stringnullable

    First Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    lastName stringnullable

    Last Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    message stringnullable

    Message in Chatbox

    organizationName stringnullable

    Organization of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

  • ]

  • generalInformation


    General information on CAPA

    actualInspectionDate date-timenullable

    Actual inspection date

    assortmentIds string[]nullable

    List of assortment IDs

    availableQuantity integernullable

    Available quantity of items of purchase orders

    capaStatus stringnullable

    CAPA status of the report

    factoryId stringnullable

    Custom ID of the factory in the inspection

    factoryName stringnullable

    Name of the factory in the inspection

    inspectionId stringnullable

    Unique identifier of the inspection




    Location where the inspection took place

    address stringnullable

    Address of the inspected organization



    Contact information of the organization

    contactId stringnullable

    Unique identifier of the organization contact

    email stringnullable

    Email address of the organization contact

    mobileNumber stringnullable

    Mobile number of the organization contact

    name stringnullable

    Name of the organization contact

    telephoneNumber stringnullable

    Telephone number of the organization contact

    country stringnullable

    Country of the inspected organization in 2 characters ISO format

    name stringnullable
    organizationId stringnullable

    Unique identifier of the inspected organization

    inspectionResult stringnullable

    Inspection result

    inspectionType stringnullable

    Inspection type

    inspectorName stringnullable

    Inspector name

    itemIds string[]nullable

    List of item IDs

    orderQuantity integernullable

    Order quantity of items of purchase orders

    packingTypes string[]nullable

    List of packing types




    list of product categories

  • Array [

  • id stringnullable

    Unique identifier of the product category or product line

    name stringnullable

    Name of the product category or product line

  • ]

  • productLines



    List of product lines

  • Array [

  • id stringnullable

    Unique identifier of the product category or product line

    name stringnullable

    Name of the product category or product line

  • ]

  • proposedInspectionDate date-timenullable

    Proposed inspection date

    styleIds string[]nullable

    List of style IDs

    supplierId stringnullable

    Custom ID of the supplier in the inspection

    supplierName stringnullable

    Name of the supplier in the inspection






    Assembly section



    AQL information

    aqlId stringnullable

    AQL ID

    critical number

    Number of Critical defects

    major number

    Number of Major defects

    minor number

    Number of Minor defects



    Information on the number of defects

    critical integer

    Number of Critical defects

    major integer

    Number of Major defects

    minor integer

    Number of Minor defects



    Defect details

  • Array [

  • affectedPercentage number

    Affected percentage by the defect



    Comment on the actions

  • Array [

  • attachments


    Attachments in Chatbox

  • Array [

  • fileName stringnullable

    File Name of the attachment in Chatbox

    url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • createdDate date-time

    Creation date of the message in Chatbox

    email string

    Email of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    firstName stringnullable

    First Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    lastName stringnullable

    Last Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    message stringnullable

    Message in Chatbox

    organizationName stringnullable

    Organization of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

  • ]

  • correctiveAction


    Information on the corrective action

    details stringnullable

    Details on the corrective action

    value stringnullable

    An action in the corrective list

    defectCategory stringnullable

    Defect category

    defectCode stringnullable

    Defect code



    List of defective items

  • Array [

  • attachments


    List of attachments of defective items

  • Array [

  • url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • classification stringnullable

    Classification of the defective item

    color stringnullable

    Color of the defective item

    customId stringnullable

    Custom ID of the defective item

    itemId stringnullable

    ID of the defective item

    size stringnullable

    Size of the defective item

    styleId stringnullable

    Style ID of the defective item

  • ]

  • defectName stringnullable

    Defect name

    preventativeAction stringnullable

    Preventative action

    rootCause stringnullable

    Root cause of the defect

    totalDefectItems integer

    Total defect items

    totalDefectUnits integer

    Total defect units

  • ]

  • maxAllowed


    Maximum number of defect allowed

    critical integer

    Number of Critical defects

    major integer

    Number of Major defects

    minor integer

    Number of Minor defects

    totalDefects integer

    Total number of defects

    totalItems integer

    Total number of defective items



    Checklist section

  • Array [

  • attachments


    List of attachments in the questionnaire

  • Array [

  • url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • comments


    Comment on the actions

  • Array [

  • attachments


    Attachments in Chatbox

  • Array [

  • fileName stringnullable

    File Name of the attachment in Chatbox

    url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • createdDate date-time

    Creation date of the message in Chatbox

    email string

    Email of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    firstName stringnullable

    First Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    lastName stringnullable

    Last Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    message stringnullable

    Message in Chatbox

    organizationName stringnullable

    Organization of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

  • ]

  • correctiveAction


    Information on the corrective action

    details stringnullable

    Details on the corrective action

    value stringnullable

    An action in the corrective list

    label stringnullable

    Label of question

    preventativeAction stringnullable

    Preventative action

    rootCause stringnullable

    Root cause of the defect

  • ]

  • measurement


    Measurement section



    AQL information

    aqlId stringnullable

    AQL ID

    critical number

    Number of Critical defects

    major number

    Number of Major defects

    minor number

    Number of Minor defects



    Comment on the actions

  • Array [

  • attachments


    Attachments in Chatbox

  • Array [

  • fileName stringnullable

    File Name of the attachment in Chatbox

    url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • createdDate date-time

    Creation date of the message in Chatbox

    email string

    Email of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    firstName stringnullable

    First Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    lastName stringnullable

    Last Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    message stringnullable

    Message in Chatbox

    organizationName stringnullable

    Organization of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

  • ]

  • correctiveAction


    Information on the corrective action

    details stringnullable

    Details on the corrective action

    value stringnullable

    An action in the corrective list



    Information on the number of defects

    critical integer

    Number of Critical defects

    major integer

    Number of Major defects

    minor integer

    Number of Minor defects



    Failed measurements information

  • Array [

  • found number

    Number of failed measurement found

    measurementDescription stringnullable

    Measurement Description

    occurrence number

    Number of occurrences

    sampleName stringnullable
    standard number

    Standard measurement

    tolerance number

    Tolerance Lower & Upper of a point of measurement, only use this attribute if your organization has not enabled Unequal Tolerance

    toleranceLower number

    Tolerance lower of a point of measurement

    toleranceUpper number

    Tolerance upper of a point of measurement

  • ]

  • maxAllowed


    Maximum number of defect allowed

    critical integer

    Number of Critical defects

    major integer

    Number of Major defects

    minor integer

    Number of Minor defects

    preventativeAction stringnullable

    Preventative action

    rootCause stringnullable

    Root cause of the defect



    Measurement by Defects section



    AQL information

    aqlId stringnullable

    AQL ID

    critical number

    Number of Critical defects

    major number

    Number of Major defects

    minor number

    Number of Minor defects



    Information on the number of defects

    critical integer

    Number of Critical defects

    major integer

    Number of Major defects

    minor integer

    Number of Minor defects



    Defect details

  • Array [

  • affectedPercentage number

    Affected percentage by the defect



    Comment on the actions

  • Array [

  • attachments


    Attachments in Chatbox

  • Array [

  • fileName stringnullable

    File Name of the attachment in Chatbox

    url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • createdDate date-time

    Creation date of the message in Chatbox

    email string

    Email of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    firstName stringnullable

    First Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    lastName stringnullable

    Last Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    message stringnullable

    Message in Chatbox

    organizationName stringnullable

    Organization of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

  • ]

  • correctiveAction


    Information on the corrective action

    details stringnullable

    Details on the corrective action

    value stringnullable

    An action in the corrective list

    defectCategory stringnullable

    Defect category

    defectCode stringnullable

    Defect code



    List of defective items

  • Array [

  • attachments


    List of attachments of defective items

  • Array [

  • url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • classification stringnullable

    Classification of the defective item

    color stringnullable

    Color of the defective item

    customId stringnullable

    Custom ID of the defective item

    itemId stringnullable

    ID of the defective item

    size stringnullable

    Size of the defective item

    styleId stringnullable

    Style ID of the defective item

  • ]

  • defectName stringnullable

    Defect name

    preventativeAction stringnullable

    Preventative action

    rootCause stringnullable

    Root cause of the defect

    totalDefectItems integer

    Total defect items

    totalDefectUnits integer

    Total defect units

  • ]

  • maxAllowed


    Maximum number of defect allowed

    critical integer

    Number of Critical defects

    major integer

    Number of Major defects

    minor integer

    Number of Minor defects

    totalDefects integer

    Total number of defects

    totalItems integer

    Total number of defective items



    Moisture Check section



    AQL information

    aqlId stringnullable

    AQL ID

    critical number

    Number of Critical defects

    major number

    Number of Major defects

    minor number

    Number of Minor defects



    Comment on the actions

  • Array [

  • attachments


    Attachments in Chatbox

  • Array [

  • fileName stringnullable

    File Name of the attachment in Chatbox

    url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • createdDate date-time

    Creation date of the message in Chatbox

    email string

    Email of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    firstName stringnullable

    First Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    lastName stringnullable

    Last Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    message stringnullable

    Message in Chatbox

    organizationName stringnullable

    Organization of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

  • ]

  • correctiveAction


    Information on the corrective action

    details stringnullable

    Details on the corrective action

    value stringnullable

    An action in the corrective list



    Information on the number of defects

    critical integer

    Number of Critical defects

    major integer

    Number of Major defects

    minor integer

    Number of Minor defects



    List of defective items that failed the moisture check

  • Array [

  • components


    Components of items that failed the moisture check

  • Array [

  • acceptableTolerances


    Acceptable Tolerance information

  • Array [

  • from number

    The bottom range of the acceptable tolerance

    to number

    The top range of the acceptable tolerance

    unit stringnullable

    Unit of the acceptable tolerance in cm,mm,inch

  • ]

  • defectClassification stringnullable

    Defect Classification

    name stringnullable

    Name of the component



    Out of Tolerance information

    unit stringnullable
    value number

    value of the out of acceptable tolerance

  • ]

  • itemId stringnullable

    ID of the item that failed the moisture check

    type stringnullable

    Type of the defective item

  • ]

  • maxAllowed


    Maximum number of defect allowed

    critical integer

    Number of Critical defects

    major integer

    Number of Major defects

    minor integer

    Number of Minor defects

    preventativeAction stringnullable

    Preventative action

    rootCause stringnullable

    Root cause of the defect

    totalDefects integer

    Total number of defects

    totalItems integer

    Total number of defective items



    Packaging section



    AQL information

    aqlId stringnullable

    AQL ID

    critical number

    Number of Critical defects

    major number

    Number of Major defects

    minor number

    Number of Minor defects



    Information on the number of defects

    critical integer

    Number of Critical defects

    major integer

    Number of Major defects

    minor integer

    Number of Minor defects



    Defect details

  • Array [

  • affectedPercentage number

    Affected percentage by the defect



    Comment on the actions

  • Array [

  • attachments


    Attachments in Chatbox

  • Array [

  • fileName stringnullable

    File Name of the attachment in Chatbox

    url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • createdDate date-time

    Creation date of the message in Chatbox

    email string

    Email of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    firstName stringnullable

    First Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    lastName stringnullable

    Last Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    message stringnullable

    Message in Chatbox

    organizationName stringnullable

    Organization of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

  • ]

  • correctiveAction


    Information on the corrective action

    details stringnullable

    Details on the corrective action

    value stringnullable

    An action in the corrective list

    defectCategory stringnullable

    Defect category

    defectCode stringnullable

    Defect code



    List of defective items

  • Array [

  • attachments


    List of attachments of defective items

  • Array [

  • url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • classification stringnullable

    Classification of the defective item

    color stringnullable

    Color of the defective item

    customId stringnullable

    Custom ID of the defective item

    itemId stringnullable

    ID of the defective item

    size stringnullable

    Size of the defective item

    styleId stringnullable

    Style ID of the defective item

  • ]

  • defectName stringnullable

    Defect name

    preventativeAction stringnullable

    Preventative action

    rootCause stringnullable

    Root cause of the defect

    totalDefectItems integer

    Total defect items

    totalDefectUnits integer

    Total defect units

  • ]

  • maxAllowed


    Maximum number of defect allowed

    critical integer

    Number of Critical defects

    major integer

    Number of Major defects

    minor integer

    Number of Minor defects

    packingType stringnullable

    Packing type

    totalDefects integer

    Total number of defects

    totalItems integer

    Total number of defective items




  • Array [

  • answer stringnullable

    Answer of a question in the questionnaire



    List of attachments in the questionnaire

  • Array [

  • url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • comments


    Comment on the actions

  • Array [

  • attachments


    Attachments in Chatbox

  • Array [

  • fileName stringnullable

    File Name of the attachment in Chatbox

    url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • createdDate date-time

    Creation date of the message in Chatbox

    email string

    Email of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    firstName stringnullable

    First Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    lastName stringnullable

    Last Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    message stringnullable

    Message in Chatbox

    organizationName stringnullable

    Organization of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

  • ]

  • correctiveAction


    Information on the corrective action

    details stringnullable

    Details on the corrective action

    value stringnullable

    An action in the corrective list

    label stringnullable

    Label of question

    preventativeAction stringnullable

    Preventative action

    rootCause stringnullable

    Root cause of the defect

  • ]

  • rfid


    RFID section

  • Array [

  • barCode stringnullable




    Comment on the actions

  • Array [

  • attachments


    Attachments in Chatbox

  • Array [

  • fileName stringnullable

    File Name of the attachment in Chatbox

    url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • createdDate date-time

    Creation date of the message in Chatbox

    email string

    Email of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    firstName stringnullable

    First Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    lastName stringnullable

    Last Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    message stringnullable

    Message in Chatbox

    organizationName stringnullable

    Organization of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

  • ]

  • correctiveAction


    Information on the corrective action

    details stringnullable

    Details on the corrective action

    value stringnullable

    An action in the corrective list

    decryptedCode stringnullable

    Decrypted Code

    matched boolean

    Indicate if the code is matched

    photos string[]

    List of photos

    preventativeAction stringnullable

    Preventative action

    rfid stringnullable


    rootCause stringnullable

    Root cause of the defect

  • ]

  • workmanship


    Workmanship section



    AQL information

    aqlId stringnullable

    AQL ID

    critical number

    Number of Critical defects

    major number

    Number of Major defects

    minor number

    Number of Minor defects



    Information on the number of defects

    critical integer

    Number of Critical defects

    major integer

    Number of Major defects

    minor integer

    Number of Minor defects



    Defect details

  • Array [

  • affectedPercentage number

    Affected percentage by the defect



    Comment on the actions

  • Array [

  • attachments


    Attachments in Chatbox

  • Array [

  • fileName stringnullable

    File Name of the attachment in Chatbox

    url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • createdDate date-time

    Creation date of the message in Chatbox

    email string

    Email of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    firstName stringnullable

    First Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    lastName stringnullable

    Last Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    message stringnullable

    Message in Chatbox

    organizationName stringnullable

    Organization of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

  • ]

  • correctiveAction


    Information on the corrective action

    details stringnullable

    Details on the corrective action

    value stringnullable

    An action in the corrective list

    defectCategory stringnullable

    Defect category

    defectCode stringnullable

    Defect code



    List of defective items

  • Array [

  • attachments


    List of attachments of defective items

  • Array [

  • url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • classification stringnullable

    Classification of the defective item

    color stringnullable

    Color of the defective item

    customId stringnullable

    Custom ID of the defective item

    itemId stringnullable

    ID of the defective item

    size stringnullable

    Size of the defective item

    styleId stringnullable

    Style ID of the defective item

  • ]

  • defectName stringnullable

    Defect name

    preventativeAction stringnullable

    Preventative action

    rootCause stringnullable

    Root cause of the defect

    totalDefectItems integer

    Total defect items

    totalDefectUnits integer

    Total defect units

  • ]

  • maxAllowed


    Maximum number of defect allowed

    critical integer

    Number of Critical defects

    major integer

    Number of Major defects

    minor integer

    Number of Minor defects

    totalDefects integer

    Total number of defects

    totalItems integer

    Total number of defective items



    Re-inspection details

    comment stringnullable

    Comment on the re-inspection

    inspectionType stringnullable

    Inspection Type of the re-inspection

    reInspectionBookingId stringnullable

    Booking ID of the re-inspection

    reInspectionDate stringnullable

    Re-inspection date



    Shipment window

    shipmentDateFrom date-time

    The first date of the shipment window

    shipmentDateTo date-time

    The last date of the shipment window

    shipmentNote stringnullable

    Note on the shipment window