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    Information on the AQL table

    aqlId string

    Unique identifier of the AQL table

    aqlLevel stringnullable

    Inspection level

    aqlName string

    The name of the AQL table

    critical string

    The threshold used for critical defects

    major string

    The threshold used for major defects

    minor string

    The threshold used for minor defects

    source string

    The source of the AQL table

    availableQuantity integer

    Total of available quantity to inspect




    Number of defects found that counted for AQL per classification

    critical string

    The number of critical defects that counted for AQL

    major string

    The number of major defects that counted for AQL

    minor string

    The number of minor defects that counted for AQL



    Number of defects found per classification, e.g. 0 Minor, 2 Major, 0 Critical

    critical string

    The number of critical defects found

    major string

    The number of major defects found

    minor string

    The number of minor defects found

    defectiveUnitActivate booleannullable

    Boolean indicating whether defective unit was activated

    determineDesc string

    Determine Desc

    determineType string

    Determine Type

    determineValue integer

    Determine Value

    doubleSampling boolean

    Boolean indicating whether double sampling was activated

    failReason string

    Reason for the failure

    group string

    Group of the defect, e.g. Workmanship, Packaging

    inspectionId string

    Unique identifier of the report



    List of maximum allowed defect per classification, e.g. 0 Minor, 1 Major, 0 Critical

    critical string

    The number of critical defects max allowed

    major string

    The number of major defects max allowed

    minor string

    The number of minor defects max allowed

    maximumSampleSize integer

    Maximum sample size

    minimumSampleSize integer

    Minimum sample size

    noOfDefectiveItems integer

    Number of defective items

    noOfDefectiveUnits integer

    Number of defective units

    organizationId string

    Unique identifier of the organization who executed the inspection

    packingType string

    List of all packing types



    Information on the sample size category

  • Array [

  • productCategory string

    Unique identifier of the product category

    sampleSize integer

    Sample size

  • ]

  • totalDefects string

    Total defects found

    totalItems integer

    Total items