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    brandRetailerId string[]nullable

    Local IDs of the brand/retailer in the Time and Action




    List of departments

  • Array [

  • departmentId stringnullable

    Unique identifier of the department of the item

  • ]

  • factoryId string[]nullable

    Local IDs of the factory in the Time and Action

    localBrandRetailerId stringnullable

    Local Custom ID of the Brand/Retailer organization of the Purchase Order in a Time & Action

    localFactoryId stringnullable

    Local Custom ID of the Factory organization of the Purchase Order in a Time & Action

    localSupplierId stringnullable

    Local Custom ID of the Supplier organization of the Purchase Order in a Time & Action

    poNumber stringnullable

    Purchase order number

    supplierId string[]nullable

    Local IDs of the supplier in the Time and Action