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    Defect list of the report

  • Array [

  • assortmentId string

    Unique identifier of the assortment carton, e.g. 1234

    clarification string

    Classification of the defect, e.g. Critical, Major, Minor

    color string

    Color of the item

    comment stringnullable

    Comment of the defect

    defectCategory string

    Category of the defect

    defectCode string

    Code of the defect

    defectId string

    Unique identifier of the defect

    defectName string

    Name of the defect

    defectiveUnit stringnullable

    Defective unit

    description string

    Description of the defect

    group string

    Group of the defect, e.g. Workmanship

    id string

    Custom ID of the list

    inspectionId string

    Unique identifier of the report

    itemDescription string

    Description of the item

    itemId string

    Unique identifier of the item

    organizationId string

    Unique identifier of the organization who executed the inspection



    List of photos taken for the defect

  • Array [

  • description string

    Description of the defect photo

    rotateAngle string

    Angle of rotation of the defect photo

    source string

    Source of the defect photo

  • ]

  • productCategory string[]

    List of product categories of the item

    size string

    Size of the item

    styleId string

    Unique identifier of the style of the item

    totalDefects integer

    Total number of times the defect was found during the inspection

  • ]

  • inspectionEsignatures



    Information on the eSignature

  • Array [

  • id integer

    Unique Identifier of the inspection eSignature

    name stringnullable

    Name of the inspector who provided eSignature

    signature string

    Name of the inspector who provided eSignature

    title string

    Title of the inspector who provided eSignature

  • ]

  • inspectionGeneral


    General information of the report

    actualInspectionDate date-timenullable

    Date when the inspection was started on mobile

    bookingType string

    Type of the booking, e.g. Normal

    capaStatus string

    Status of the CAPA

    caseNumber string

    Case number of the report generated based on a configurable rule




    Information on the brand/retailer

    address string

    Address of the organization

    city string

    City of the organization




    Contact information of the organization

    contactId string
    email string
    mobileNumber string
    name string
    telephoneNumber string
    country string

    Country of the organization

    localOrganizationId stringnullable

    Local Custom ID of the organization

    localOrganizationIds string[]nullable

    The list of all connected Local Custom IDs of the organization

    name string

    Name of the organization

    organizationId string

    Unique Identifier of the organization

    country string

    Country of shipment

    createdDate string

    Date and time when the inspection started




    Information on the user who generated the report

    email string
    id string
    mobileNumber string
    name string




    Information on the executor of the report

    address string

    Address of the organization

    city string

    City of the organization




    Contact information of the organization

    contactId string
    email string
    mobileNumber string
    name string
    telephoneNumber string
    country string

    Country of the organization

    name string

    Name of the organization

    organizationId string

    Unique Identifier of the organization

    expectedDate string

    Expected date of inspection that was selected when creating a new inspection




    Information on the factory of the report

    address string

    Address of the organization

    city string

    City of the organization




    Contact information of the organization

    contactId string
    email string
    mobileNumber string
    name string
    telephoneNumber string
    country string

    Country of the organization

    localOrganizationId stringnullable

    Local Custom ID of the organization

    localOrganizationIds string[]nullable

    The list of all connected Local Custom IDs of the organization

    name string

    Name of the organization

    organizationId string

    Unique Identifier of the organization

    inspectionDate string

    Date and time when the inspection completed

    inspectionId string

    Unique identifier of the inspection's report




    The location of the inspection

    address string

    Address of the organization

    city string

    City of the organization




    Contact information of the organization

    contactId string
    email string
    mobileNumber string
    name string
    telephoneNumber string
    country string

    Country of the organization

    localOrganizationId stringnullable

    Local Custom ID of the organization

    localOrganizationIds string[]nullable

    The list of all connected Local Custom IDs of the organization

    name string

    Name of the organization

    organizationId string

    Unique Identifier of the organization

    inspectionResult string

    Overall result of the inspection




    Information on the inspector

    email string
    employeeId string
    id string
    mobileNumber string
    name string
    isReferenceSample integer

    Indicates whether a reference sample had been provided

    opoNumber string

    Original PO Number of the report




    Oversight office

    id stringnullable

    Oversight office id

    name stringnullable

    Oversight office name

    pdfUrl string

    Direct URL to the report in PDF format

    photos string[]nullable

    List of direct URLs to the photos taken during the inspection

    poNumber string

    PO Number of the report




    List of all the PO numbers

  • Array [

  • poNumber string

    PO Number of the report

  • ]

  • productCategories string[]nullable

    List of unique identifiers of all the product categories

    productLineId string

    Unique identifier of the product line

    productLineName string

    Name of the product line

    productOrders string[]nullable

    List of all the PO numbers




    List of all the styles with items and measurements

  • Array [

  • assortments



  • Array [

  • assortmentId stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    availableCartonQuantity integernullable
    cartonQuantity integerrequired




    Possible values: >= 1

  • Array [

  • availableQuantity integernullable
    brandId stringnullable

    Precondition: must be configured in your Inspectorio's account.

    brandName string

    Possible values: non-empty

    classId stringnullable
    color stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    configuration integerrequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    departmentId stringnullable
    id stringnullable
    itemId stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    purchaseOrders string[]nullable

    List of unique purchase orders associated with this item

    quantity integer
    shipmentTerm stringnullable
    size stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

  • ]

  • ]

  • measurements


  • Array [

  • caption stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    isPomCritical booleannullable

    Measurement is critical or not

    pom stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty



  • Array [

  • measurement stringrequired
    size stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    Size name

  • ]

  • tolerance stringrequired
    toleranceLower numbernullable

    Accepted lower limit between the expected measure (standard) and the actual measure

    toleranceUpper numbernullable

    Accepted upper limit between the expected measure (standard) and the actual measure

    unit stringrequired

    Possible values: [inch, cm, mm]

  • ]

  • productCategoryId stringrequired
    productCategoryName string

    Possible values: non-empty




  • Array [

  • availableCartonQuantity integernullable
    availableQuantity integernullable
    brandId stringnullable

    Precondition: must be configured in your Inspectorio's account.

    brandName string

    Possible values: non-empty

    cartonQuantity integernullable
    casePackQuantity integernullable
    classId stringnullable
    color stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    departmentId stringnullable
    id stringnullable
    itemId stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    purchaseOrders string[]nullable

    List of unique purchase orders associated with this item

    quantity integerrequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    shipmentTerm stringnullable
    size stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

  • ]

  • styleId stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    styleName stringnullable
  • ]

  • status string

    Status of the report, e.g. In-Progress, Completed

    systemUpdatedAt string

    Date and time the report was last updated by the system (including both client actions and actions taken by Inspectorio on behalf of the client)

    tags string[]nullable

    Labels attached to the report giving other information, e.g. 1st re-inspection




    Information on the type of inspection

    typeOfInspection string
    typeOfInspectionName string
    updatedDate string

    Date and time the report was last updated




    Information on the supplier of the report

    address string

    Address of the organization

    city string

    City of the organization




    Contact information of the organization

    contactId string
    email string
    mobileNumber string
    name string
    telephoneNumber string
    country string

    Country of the organization

    localOrganizationId stringnullable

    Local Custom ID of the organization

    localOrganizationIds string[]nullable

    The list of all connected Local Custom IDs of the organization

    name string

    Name of the organization

    organizationId string

    Unique Identifier of the organization

    workflowName stringnullable

    Name of workflow



    Measurement dimensions

  • Array [

  • color string

    Color of the item

    dimensionId string

    Unique identifier of the dimension

    dimensionIndex integer

    Index of the dimension

    id string

    Unique identifier of the item

    inspectionId string

    Unique identifier of the report

    itemId string

    Unique identifier of the item

    measurementDescription string

    Description of the measurement

    occurrences integer

    Number of occurrences

    organizationId string

    Unique identifier of the organization who executed the inspection



  • Array [

  • name string

    Sample name of the inspection measurement dimension

    value numbernullable

    sample value

  • ]

  • size string

    Size of the item

    skuIndex integer

    Index of the SKU

    standard number

    Expected measure

    styleId string

    Unique identifier of the style of the item

    tolerance numbernullable

    Accepted gap between the expected measure (standard) and the actual measure

    toleranceLower numbernullable

    Accepted lower limit between the expected measure (standard) and the actual measure

    toleranceUpper numbernullable

    Accepted upper limit between the expected measure (standard) and the actual measure

    unit string

    Unit of the measure, e.g. cm, mm, inch

  • ]

  • inspectionPhotos


    List of photos taken during the inspection

  • Array [

  • file


    List of the files

    description string

    Description of the photo, if any

    fileType string

    Type of the file

    rotateAngle string

    Angle of rotation of the photo

    source string

    Direct URL to the photo

    groupId string

    Unique identifier of the group of photo

    inspectionId string

    Unique identifier of the report

    itemId string

    Unique identifier of the item

    label string

    Label of the photo

    organizationId string

    Unique identifier of the organization who executed the inspection

    photoId string

    Unique identifier of the photo

    status string

    Status of the photo

    styleId string

    Unique identifier of the style

    type string

    Type of the photo

  • ]

  • inspectionQuestions


    List of questions followed by the inspector

  • Array [

  • groupId string

    Unique identifier of the group of question

    inspectionId string

    Unique identifier of the report

    label string

    Label of the question



    Options available to answer the question

  • Array [

  • actions


    List of actions per question

  • Array [

  • action string

    Action the inspector can/needs to take when responding to the question


    Information related to the action of the question, e.g. Is Mandatory

  • ]

  • failResponse boolean

    Boolean indicating whether the option, if selected, will make the overall inspection result fail

    id string

    Unique identifier of the option

    selected boolean

    Boolean indicating whether the option has been selected

    value string

    Label of the option displayed to the user

  • ]

  • organizationId string

    Unique identifier of the organization

    questionId string

    Unique identifier of the question

    type string

    Type of the question

  • ]

  • inspectionRFID


    Result of the RFID step taken during the inspection

  • Array [

  • barcode string

    Barcode of the item

    code string

    Code of the item

    decodedCode string

    Decoded code of the item

    id string

    Unique identifier of the barcode

    inspectionId string

    Unique identifier of the report

    matched boolean

    Indicates whether the barcode of the item matches the expected barcode

    organizationId string

    Unique identifier of the organization who executed the inspection

    photos string[]

    List of photos taken

  • ]

  • inspectionResult


    Result of each section of the report

  • Array [

  • groupName string

    Name of the group of results

    includeInReport boolean

    Boolean indicating if the result is included in the report

    inspectionId string

    Unique identifier of the report

    organizationId string

    Unique identifier of the organization who executed the inspection

    resultId string

    Unique identifier of the result

    status string

    Status of the result

  • ]

  • inspectionSampleSelection


    Details of the sample selection calculation

  • Array [

  • inspectionId string

    Unique identifier of the report

    organizationId string

    Unique identifier of the organization who executed the inspection

    sampleSelection integer

    Sample selection

    sampleSize integer

    Sample size

    totalInspectionQuantity integer

    Total inspection quantity

  • ]

  • inspectionSampleSelectionSamples


    Details of the samples selected by the inspector

  • Array [

  • assortment string

    Packing type, e.g. Solid, Assortment

    assortmentQuantity string

    Assortment available quantity

    cartonPull integer

    Number of cartons pulled during the inspection

    id string

    Custom ID of the list

    inspectionId string

    Unique identifier of the report

    itemId string

    Unique identifier of the item

    itemOrderQuantity integer

    Order quantity of the item

    organizationId string

    Unique identifier of the organization who executed the inspection

    sampleId string

    Unique identifier of the sample

    samplePull integer

    Number of samples pulled for the item

    styleId string

    Unique identifier of the style of the item

    styleOrderQuantity integer

    Order quantity of the style

  • ]

  • inspectionSpecialAttentionPoint


    List of special attention points raised by the inspector

  • Array [

  • attentionId string

    Unique identifier of the special attention point

    description string

    Description of the special attention point

    group string

    Unique identifier of the special attention point's group

    inspectionId string

    Unique identifier of the report

    organizationId string

    Unique identifier of the organization who executed the inspection



    The list of pictures taken for the special attention point

  • Array [

  • rotateAngle string

    Angle of rotation of the picture

    source string

    Direct URL to the picture

  • ]

  • type string

    The type of special attention point

  • ]

  • inspectionStandards


    Information on the inspection standards followed by the inspector

  • Array [

  • aql


    Information on the AQL table

    aqlId string

    Unique identifier of the AQL table

    aqlLevel stringnullable

    Inspection level

    aqlName string

    The name of the AQL table

    critical string

    The threshold used for critical defects

    major string

    The threshold used for major defects

    minor string

    The threshold used for minor defects

    source string

    The source of the AQL table

    availableQuantity integer

    Total of available quantity to inspect




    Number of defects found that counted for AQL per classification

    critical string

    The number of critical defects that counted for AQL

    major string

    The number of major defects that counted for AQL

    minor string

    The number of minor defects that counted for AQL



    Number of defects found per classification, e.g. 0 Minor, 2 Major, 0 Critical

    critical string

    The number of critical defects found

    major string

    The number of major defects found

    minor string

    The number of minor defects found

    defectiveUnitActivate booleannullable

    Boolean indicating whether defective unit was activated

    determineDesc string

    Determine Desc

    determineType string

    Determine Type

    determineValue integer

    Determine Value

    doubleSampling boolean

    Boolean indicating whether double sampling was activated

    failReason string

    Reason for the failure

    group string

    Group of the defect, e.g. Workmanship, Packaging

    inspectionId string

    Unique identifier of the report



    List of maximum allowed defect per classification, e.g. 0 Minor, 1 Major, 0 Critical

    critical string

    The number of critical defects max allowed

    major string

    The number of major defects max allowed

    minor string

    The number of minor defects max allowed

    maximumSampleSize integer

    Maximum sample size

    minimumSampleSize integer

    Minimum sample size

    noOfDefectiveItems integer

    Number of defective items

    noOfDefectiveUnits integer

    Number of defective units

    organizationId string

    Unique identifier of the organization who executed the inspection

    packingType string

    List of all packing types



    Information on the sample size category

  • Array [

  • productCategory string

    Unique identifier of the product category

    sampleSize integer

    Sample size

  • ]

  • totalDefects string

    Total defects found

    totalItems integer

    Total items

  • ]

  • itemAttributes



    List of item attribute

  • Array [

  • code stringnullable

    Code of item attribute




    List of item

  • Array [

  • groupCode stringnullable

    Group code

    itemId stringnullable

    Item id

    styleId stringnullable

    Style id

  • ]

  • name stringnullable

    Name of item attribute

    type stringnullable

    Type of item attribute

  • ]