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    barCode stringnullable




    Comment on the actions

  • Array [

  • attachments


    Attachments in Chatbox

  • Array [

  • fileName stringnullable

    File Name of the attachment in Chatbox

    url url

    URL of attachments for the CAPA report

  • ]

  • createdDate date-time

    Creation date of the message in Chatbox

    email string

    Email of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    firstName stringnullable

    First Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    lastName stringnullable

    Last Name of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

    message stringnullable

    Message in Chatbox

    organizationName stringnullable

    Organization of the contact who posted the message in Chatbox

  • ]

  • correctiveAction


    Information on the corrective action

    details stringnullable

    Details on the corrective action

    value stringnullable

    An action in the corrective list

    decryptedCode stringnullable

    Decrypted Code

    matched boolean

    Indicate if the code is matched

    photos string[]

    List of photos

    preventativeAction stringnullable

    Preventative action

    rfid stringnullable


    rootCause stringnullable

    Root cause of the defect