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    assortmentId string

    Unique identifier of the assortment carton, e.g. 1234

    clarification string

    Classification of the defect, e.g. Critical, Major, Minor

    color string

    Color of the item

    comment stringnullable

    Comment of the defect

    defectCategory string

    Category of the defect

    defectCode string

    Code of the defect

    defectId string

    Unique identifier of the defect

    defectName string

    Name of the defect

    defectiveUnit stringnullable

    Defective unit

    description string

    Description of the defect

    group string

    Group of the defect, e.g. Workmanship

    id string

    Custom ID of the list

    inspectionId string

    Unique identifier of the report

    itemDescription string

    Description of the item

    itemId string

    Unique identifier of the item

    organizationId string

    Unique identifier of the organization who executed the inspection



    List of photos taken for the defect

  • Array [

  • description string

    Description of the defect photo

    rotateAngle string

    Angle of rotation of the defect photo

    source string

    Source of the defect photo

  • ]

  • productCategory string[]

    List of product categories of the item

    size string

    Size of the item

    styleId string

    Unique identifier of the style of the item

    totalDefects integer

    Total number of times the defect was found during the inspection