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    id stringnullable

    Id of a Time and Action




    Milestones information

  • Array [

  • actualEndDate datenullable

    The actual end date of a milestone

    actualStartDate datenullable

    The actual start date of a milestone

    id stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    ID of a milestone




    Items information

  • Array [

  • completion integer
    itemId stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    Item IDs included in the Time and Action

    itemQty integer

    completed order quantity of a item for a milestone

    orderQty integer
    poNumber stringnullable
    styleID stringnullable
  • ]

  • name string
    quantity integer

    Completed order quantity in a milestone

  • ]

  • poNumber stringnullablerequired

    Purchase order number linked with the Time and Action

    productionStatusLevel stringrequired

    Possible values: [poLevel, itemLevel]

    Update production status by PO or item level

    productionStatusUntil daterequired

    Time when the production status data is valid. If it is empty system will pre-fill it with the current date. Only past and current dates are allowed

    quantity integer

    Completed order quantity

    styleID string[]nullable