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    color string

    Color of the item

    dimensionId string

    Unique identifier of the dimension

    dimensionIndex integer

    Index of the dimension

    id string

    Unique identifier of the item

    inspectionId string

    Unique identifier of the report

    itemId string

    Unique identifier of the item

    measurementDescription string

    Description of the measurement

    occurrences integer

    Number of occurrences

    organizationId string

    Unique identifier of the organization who executed the inspection



  • Array [

  • name string

    Sample name of the inspection measurement dimension

    value numbernullable

    sample value

  • ]

  • size string

    Size of the item

    skuIndex integer

    Index of the SKU

    standard number

    Expected measure

    styleId string

    Unique identifier of the style of the item

    tolerance numbernullable

    Accepted gap between the expected measure (standard) and the actual measure

    toleranceLower numbernullable

    Accepted lower limit between the expected measure (standard) and the actual measure

    toleranceUpper numbernullable

    Accepted upper limit between the expected measure (standard) and the actual measure

    unit string

    Unit of the measure, e.g. cm, mm, inch