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address string

Address of the Organization

Possible values: non-empty

Example: 5 Park Avenue
authorizedCapabilities string[]nullable

Authorized capabilities of an Organization

Possible values: non-empty

businessPartnerTypes string[]nullable

List of business partner types of the Organization. This field is only used for an Organization of type 'partner'

Possible values: [Fabric Supplier, Trim Supplier, Merchandise Vendor, Packaging Supplier, Production/Storage Facility Owner]

businessUnit stringnullable

The strategic business unit that the organization belongs to

Example: Central Europe
businessUnitCategories string[]nullable

The strategic business unit category that the organization belongs to

Example: ["CZ / Bakery","HU / Bakery","SK / Bakery"]
city stringnullable

City of the Organization

Example: Minneapolis
contacts object[]nullable

List of contacts of the Organization

  • Array [
  • email stringrequired

    Email of the organization contact

    Possible values: non-empty

    firstName stringrequired

    First name of the organization contact

    Possible values: non-empty

    Example: John
    id stringnullable

    Unique identifier of the organization contact

    Example: U123456
    lastName stringnullable

    Last name of the organization contact

    Example: Doe
    phone stringrequired

    Phone number of the organization contact

    Possible values: non-empty

    Example: 1505123456
    phoneCountryCode stringnullable

    Country code of the phone number of a Contact

    Example: 1
  • ]
  • country stringnullable

    Country of the Organization represented by the standard ISO Alpha-2 code, e.g. US for the United States

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 2 characters

    Example: US
    factoryType stringnullable

    Factory Type

    Possible values: [primary, secondary]

    Example: primary
    isFoodFacility boolean

    Indicates by true or false whether the Organization has the ability to produce food

    Example: true
    leadBusinessUnitCategory stringnullable

    The lead strategic business unit category that the organization belongs to

    Example: CZ / Impulse
    leadManager stringnullable

    Lead Manager

    Example: John Doe
    location object

    Location of the Organization

    latitude numberrequired

    Latitude location of the Organization

    Example: 38.8951
    longitude numberrequired

    Longitude location of the Organization

    Example: -77.0364
    name string

    Name of the Organization

    Possible values: non-empty

    Example: Acme Corp
    partners object[]nullable

    List of partner IDs of the Organization, this field is only use for an Organization of type 'factory'

  • Array [
  • authorizedCapabilities string[]nullable

    Authorized capabilities of an Organization

    Possible values: non-empty

    id stringrequired

    Unique identifier of the Partner Organization

    Possible values: non-empty

    Example: P123
    isLeadSupplier booleannullable

    Indicates by true or false whether the Partner can be marked as a Lead Supplier for the Factory

    locationStatus stringnullable

    Status of the Partner Organization between Available, In Progress, Non-Compliant, Pending Transfer, or Pending Duplicate Check

    Example: Available
    manufacturingTypes integer[]nullable

    Types of manufacturing of the Organization represented by an integer from 1 to 5
    1 = FACTORY
    2 = MILL
    3 = LAUNDRY
    4 = PACKING
    5 = TRIM

    name stringrequired

    Name of the Partner Organization

    Possible values: non-empty

    Example: Lex Corp
    registrationDate datenullable

    Date of registration of the Partner Organization

    Example: 2020-04-21
    registrationStatus integernullable

    Status of the registration of the Partner Organization represented by an integer from 1 to 4
    3 = PENDING
    4 = DECLINED

    Example: 1
    scope integernullable

    Scope of the Organization represented by an integer from 1 to 3
    3 = BOTH

    Example: 1
  • ]
  • postal stringnullable

    Zip / Postal code of the Organization

    Example: 55402
    province stringnullable

    Province of the Organization

    Example: Minnesota
    registrationDate datenullable

    Date of registration of the Organization

    Example: 2020-04-21
    registrationStatus integernullable

    Status of the registration of the Organization represented by an integer from 1 to 4
    3 = PENDING
    4 = DECLINED

    Example: 1
    requiresMaintenanceAudit booleannullable

    Indicates by true or false whether the Factory requires Maintenance Audit

    Example: true
    status stringnullable

    Organization Status

    Possible values: [active, inactive, awaiting approval, awaiting registration, de-listed, unapproved]

    Example: awaiting approval
    "address": "5 Park Avenue",
    "authorizedCapabilities": [
    "businessPartnerTypes": [
    "Fabric Supplier"
    "businessUnit": "Central Europe",
    "businessUnitCategories": [
    "CZ / Bakery",
    "HU / Bakery",
    "SK / Bakery"
    "city": "Minneapolis",
    "contacts": [
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "John",
    "id": "U123456",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "phone": "1505123456",
    "phoneCountryCode": "1"
    "country": "US",
    "factoryType": "primary",
    "isFoodFacility": true,
    "leadBusinessUnitCategory": "CZ / Impulse",
    "leadManager": "John Doe",
    "location": {
    "latitude": 38.8951,
    "longitude": -77.0364
    "name": "Acme Corp",
    "partners": [
    "authorizedCapabilities": [
    "id": "P123",
    "isLeadSupplier": true,
    "locationStatus": "Available",
    "manufacturingTypes": [
    "name": "Lex Corp",
    "registrationDate": "2020-04-21",
    "registrationStatus": 1,
    "scope": 1
    "postal": "55402",
    "province": "Minnesota",
    "registrationDate": "2020-04-21",
    "registrationStatus": 1,
    "requiresMaintenanceAudit": true,
    "status": "awaiting approval"