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assessment object

Assessment information of the report

assessmentDueDate date-timenullable

Due date of assessment

Example: 2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00
assessmentId stringnullable

Unique identifier

Example: 762546-1
id stringnullable

Unique technical identifier

Example: 7d100d4b-80c4-4bb7-9005-1793c3c8dff7
type stringnullable

Type, e.g. 'Self-Assessment', 'Verification Assessment'

Example: Verification Assessment
businessAreas string[]nullable

The business areas involved in the report

Example: [Apparel & Accessories]
capa object

Information of the CAPA, Corrective Action and Preventive Action

id stringnullable

Unique identifier

name stringnullable


case object

Case ID

history object

History of the case

comment stringnullable

Comment of the update

Example: Updated validity duration
reasons string[]nullable

Reasons set by user for the case history update

updatedDate date-timenullable

Updated data of the case

Example: 2021-05-31T10:06:39+00:00
updatedValidityDuration stringnullable

Validity Duration set by user or calculated using Expiration Date

Example: 1 Month
id stringnullable

Unique technical identifier

uid stringnullable

Unique identifier

completeCaseDate date-timenullable

Completed date of the case

Example: 2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00
country stringnullable

The country code of the organization being evaluated or audited, in standard ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code, e.g. CN for China

Example: CN
createdDate date-timenullable

Creation date of the report

Example: 2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00
departmentNumbers string[]nullable

The list of department numbers involved in the report

Example: [017]
escalations object[]nullable

List of escalations of the assessment

  • Array [
  • createdDate date-timenullable

    Date when the Escalation was created

    escalatedBy object

    Information of the user

    email stringnullable

    Email address of the user

    firstName stringnullable

    First name of the user

    Example: John
    id stringnullable

    Unique identifier of the user

    Example: cc94fc4e-dcbe-44a5-863e-3255281e02ca
    lastName stringnullable

    Last name of the user

    Example: Doe
    escalatedTo object[]nullable

    The user who receives the escalation

  • Array [
  • email stringnullable

    Email address of the user

    firstName stringnullable

    First name of the user

    Example: John
    id stringnullable

    Unique identifier of the user

    Example: cc94fc4e-dcbe-44a5-863e-3255281e02ca
    lastName stringnullable

    Last name of the user

    Example: Doe
  • ]
  • escalationNote stringnullable

    Escalation note

    resolvedByUser object

    Information of the user

    email stringnullable

    Email address of the user

    firstName stringnullable

    First name of the user

    Example: John
    id stringnullable

    Unique identifier of the user

    Example: cc94fc4e-dcbe-44a5-863e-3255281e02ca
    lastName stringnullable

    Last name of the user

    Example: Doe
    resolvedDate date-timenullable

    Resolution date of the escalation

    status stringnullable

    Status of the escalation

  • ]
  • exception stringnullable

    Rating exception”

    Example: Non Compliant - Exception
    executionLocations string[]nullable

    The locations of the execution, e.g. 'Desktop Review', 'Factory Visit', 'Scheme Onsite', 'Target Onsite'

    Example: [Desktop Review]
    executor object

    The executor of the report

    uid stringnullable

    Unique identifier

    name stringnullable


    expirationDate date-timenullable

    Expiration date set by the user or calculated using Validity Duration

    Example: 2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00
    id string

    Unique technical identifier of the report

    Example: a32ec460-c327-4d3d-a264-a666c559ccef
    labels object[]


  • Array [
  • label stringnullable

    Type of label assigned in the assignment/report/CAPA

    value stringnullable

    Label assigned in the assignment/report/CAPA

  • ]
  • office stringnullable

    The name of the office being evaluated or audited

    Example: Acme China
    productLines string[]nullable

    The list of product lines involved in the report

    Example: [PATIO & OUTDOOR DECOR]
    province stringnullable

    The province of the organization being evaluated or audited

    Example: Jiangsu
    rating stringnullable

    Rating, e.g. 'Acceptable for Production', 'Acceptable', 'Auto-Fail', 'Critical', 'Factory at Risk', 'Failed Out of Tolerance', 'Needs Improvement', 'Non Compliant', 'Not Acceptable', 'Not Acceptable/Invalid', 'Outstanding', 'Unknown', 'Zero Tolerance'

    Example: Non Compliant
    reason object

    The reason of the report, e.g. 'Annual', 'Follow up', 'Initial', 'Out of Tolerance'

    id stringnullable

    Unique identifier

    name stringnullable


    reopenCaseDate date-timenullable

    The date the case was reopen

    Example: 2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00
    reportDeclineDate date-timenullable

    Declined date of the report

    Example: 2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00
    reportGenerateDate date-timenullable

    Generation date of the report

    Example: 2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00
    assessmentSubmitDate date-timenullable

    Submit date of the assessment

    Example: 2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00
    reportName stringnullable

    Name of the report

    Example: F_TFC_QAFA_13186_Ver_25092019"
    requestee object

    Information of the organization which received the assessment

    email stringnullable

    Contact email of the organization who submitted the assessment

    name stringnullable


    uid stringnullable

    Unique identifier

    requester object

    Information of the organization which submitted the assessment

    uid stringnullable

    Unique identifier

    name stringnullable


    score stringnullable

    Score of the report

    Example: 44/130
    scoreInPercentage stringnullable

    Score in percentage of the report

    Example: 33.85%
    standard object

    The standard used for the report

    id stringnullable

    Unique identifier

    name stringnullable


    version stringnullable


    status stringnullable

    The status of the report

    Example: New
    totalAvailableCapacityInUnits integernullable

    The total available capacity in units

    Example: 8
    type stringnullable

    Type of report, e.g. 'internal', 'external'

    Example: internal
    updatedDate date-timenullable

    Updated date of the report

    Example: 2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00
    workflow object

    The workflow used for the report

    id stringnullable

    Unique identifier

    name stringnullable


    "assessment": {
    "assessmentDueDate": "2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00",
    "assessmentId": "762546-1",
    "id": "7d100d4b-80c4-4bb7-9005-1793c3c8dff7",
    "type": "Verification Assessment"
    "businessAreas": "[Apparel & Accessories]",
    "capa": {
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string"
    "case": {
    "history": {
    "comment": "Updated validity duration",
    "reasons": [
    "updatedDate": "2021-05-31T10:06:39+00:00",
    "updatedValidityDuration": "1 Month"
    "id": "string",
    "uid": "string"
    "completeCaseDate": "2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00",
    "country": "CN",
    "createdDate": "2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00",
    "departmentNumbers": "[017]",
    "escalations": [
    "createdDate": "2024-07-29T15:51:28.071Z",
    "escalatedBy": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "John",
    "id": "cc94fc4e-dcbe-44a5-863e-3255281e02ca",
    "lastName": "Doe"
    "escalatedTo": [
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "John",
    "id": "cc94fc4e-dcbe-44a5-863e-3255281e02ca",
    "lastName": "Doe"
    "escalationNote": "string",
    "resolvedByUser": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "John",
    "id": "cc94fc4e-dcbe-44a5-863e-3255281e02ca",
    "lastName": "Doe"
    "resolvedDate": "2024-07-29T15:51:28.071Z",
    "status": "string"
    "exception": "Non Compliant - Exception",
    "executionLocations": "[Desktop Review]",
    "executor": {
    "uid": "string",
    "name": "string"
    "expirationDate": "2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00",
    "id": "a32ec460-c327-4d3d-a264-a666c559ccef",
    "labels": [
    "label": "string",
    "value": "string"
    "office": "Acme China",
    "productLines": "[PATIO & OUTDOOR DECOR]",
    "province": "Jiangsu",
    "rating": "Non Compliant",
    "reason": {
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string"
    "reopenCaseDate": "2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00",
    "reportDeclineDate": "2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00",
    "reportGenerateDate": "2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00",
    "assessmentSubmitDate": "2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00",
    "reportName": "F_TFC_QAFA_13186_Ver_25092019\"",
    "requestee": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "name": "string",
    "uid": "string"
    "requester": {
    "uid": "string",
    "name": "string"
    "score": "44/130",
    "scoreInPercentage": "33.85%",
    "standard": {
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "version": "string"
    "status": "New",
    "totalAvailableCapacityInUnits": 8,
    "type": "internal",
    "updatedDate": "2021-06-02T05:28:49.303000+00:00",
    "workflow": {
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string"