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id string

Unique report ID

Example: 5c40e755-3ab0-4fa9-9a44-f76a95f0e87d
caseId string

Case ID (displays in UI)

Example: 100000
assessmentId string

Assessment ID (displays in UI)

Example: 100000-2
status string

Report Status (New, Assessment Cancelled, ...)

Example: New
reason stringnullable

Assessment Reasons (optional - depending on the configuration in each standard)

Example: Annual Audit
workflowName string

Selected Workflow for the assessment report

Example: Factory Information
executionLocations string[]nullable

Execution Location (optional - depending on the configuration in each standard)

Example: [Desktop Review]
updatedDate date-timenullable

System updated date. This field will be updated based on the changes in the Report and CAPA.

Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
type string

Assessment type

Possible values: [Verification Assessment, Self Assessment]

Example: Verification Assessment
announcementType string

Announcement type

Possible values: [Announced, Semi-Announced, Private, Unannounced]

Example: Announced
assessmentWindowStart date-timenullable

Start date of the Assessment Window

Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
assessmentWindowEnd date-timenullable

End date of the Assessment Window

Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
assessmentDueDate date-timenullable

Due date of the assessment

Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
assessmentRequestDate date-timenullable

Request date of the assessment

Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
assessmentSubmitDate date-timenullable

Assessment Submitted date. This is also Report Generated date.

Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
auditStartDate datenullable

Actual Audit Start date (This field has value only when the configuration is enabled in the standard)

Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
auditEndDate datenullable

Actual Audit End date (This field has value only when the configuration is enabled in the standard)

Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
auditTimeSpent integernullable

The time spent by Auditor (This field has value only when the configuration is enabled in the standard)

Example: 12
auditors object[]nullable

Auditors of the Assessment

  • Array [
  • email stringnullable

    Actual auditor's email (This field has value only when the configuration is enabled in the standard)

    firstName stringnullable

    Actual Auditor's First Name (This field has value only when the configuration is enabled in the standard)

    Example: John
    lastName stringnullable

    Actual Auditor's Last Name (This field has value only when the configuration is enabled in the standard)

    Example: Doe
  • ]
  • assignedUsers object[]nullable

    Information of the assigned user

  • Array [
  • email stringnullable

    Email of the user

    firstName stringnullable

    First name of the user

    Example: John
    lastName stringnullable

    Last name of the user

    Example: Doe
  • ]
  • assignedRoles object[]nullable

    Information of the assigned roles

  • Array [
  • name stringnullable

    Name of the role

    Example: UL China
  • ]
  • assessmentStartDate date-timenullable

    The start date of the Assessment

    Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
    caseExpirationDate date-timenullable

    Expiration date of the Case

    Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
    confidentialNotes objectnullable

    Confidential notes

    description stringnullable


    customFields objectnullable

    Client's specific attributes

    standard object

    The Standard used for the Report

    name stringnullable


    version stringnullable


    stakeholders object

    Stakeholders information

    requester object

    The organization who requested the assessment

    id stringnullable

    Unique identifier

    name stringnullable


    type stringnullable


    contactPersons object[]nullable

    Requester contact persons

  • Array [
  • email stringnullable
    name stringnullable
    Example: John Doe
    phone stringnullable
    Example: 123-321
    title stringnullable
    Example: QA Manager
  • ]
  • executors object[]

    The organization who executed the assessment

  • Array [
  • id stringnullable

    Unique identifier

    name stringnullable


    type stringnullable


    contactPersons object[]nullable

    Requester contact persons

  • Array [
  • email stringnullable
    name stringnullable
    Example: John Doe
    phone stringnullable
    Example: 123-321
    title stringnullable
    Example: QA Manager
  • ]
  • ]
  • requestee object

    The organization who is the target of the assessment

    id stringnullable

    Unique identifier

    name stringnullable


    type stringnullable


    address stringnullable


    Example: 123 Main Street
    city stringnullable


    Example: Abbeville
    state stringnullable


    Example: Alabama
    postal stringnullable

    Postal code

    Example: 36310
    country stringnullable


    Example: US
    contactPersons object[]nullable

    Requester contact persons

  • Array [
  • email stringnullable
    name stringnullable
    Example: John Doe
    phone stringnullable
    Example: 123-321
    title stringnullable
    Example: QA Manager
  • ]
  • selectedPartners object[]nullable

    The supplier who assciated with the requestee (only contains value if the standard setting - Assessment setting select "Requestee and partners")

  • Array [
  • id stringnullable

    Unique identifier

    name stringnullable


    type stringnullable


    address stringnullable


    Example: 123 Main Street
    city stringnullable


    Example: Abbeville
    state stringnullable


    Example: Alabama
    postal stringnullable

    Postal code

    Example: 36310
    country stringnullable


    Example: US
    contactPersons object[]nullable

    Requester contact persons

  • Array [
  • email stringnullable
    name stringnullable
    Example: John Doe
    phone stringnullable
    Example: 123-321
    title stringnullable
    Example: QA Manager
  • ]
  • ]
  • totalFindings object[]nullable

    List of findings. Only contains value if the report is issue-based.

  • Array [
  • severity string

    Severity of the issue founded in the report

    Possible values: [Critical, Major, Minor]

    Example: Major
    count integer

    Number of findings of the same severity in the report

    Example: 2
  • ]
  • rating stringnullable

    Rating of the report. Calculated based on the rule setting of the standard and the score/issues found in the assessment.

    Example: Good
    score stringnullable

    Score of the Report. Calculated based on the number of issue found or the selected answers in the assessment.

    Example: 8/10
    scoreInPercentage stringnullable

    Score of the Report in percentage. Calculated based on the number of issue found or the selected answers in the assessment compare to the maximum score.

    Example: 80%
    reportLabels object[]

    Labels of the report

  • Array [
  • name stringnullable

    Type of label assigned in the assignment/report/CAPA

    value stringnullable

    Label assigned in the assignment/report/CAPA

  • ]
  • escalations object[]nullable

    List of escalations of the assessment

  • Array [
  • createdDate date-timenullable

    Date when the Escalation was created

    Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
    status stringnullable

    Status of the escalation

    resolvedDate date-timenullable

    Resolution date of the escalation

    Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
    escalatedTo object[]nullable

    The user who received the escalation

  • Array [
  • email stringnullable

    Email of the user

    firstName stringnullable

    First name of the user

    Example: John
    lastName stringnullable

    Last name of the user

    Example: Doe
  • ]
  • escalatedBy object
    email stringnullable

    Email of the user

    firstName stringnullable

    First name of the user

    Example: John
    lastName stringnullable

    Last name of the user

    Example: Doe
    resolvedByUser object
    email stringnullable

    Email of the user

    firstName stringnullable

    First name of the user

    Example: John
    lastName stringnullable

    Last name of the user

    Example: Doe
  • ]
  • checkin objectnullable

    On-site check-in information

    checkinUser stringnullable

    Email of auditor who do the on-site check-in

    checkinLocation objectnullable

    Check-in location

    address stringnullable


    Example: 123 Main Street
    city stringnullable


    Example: Abbeville
    state stringnullable


    Example: Alabama
    postal stringnullable

    Postal code

    Example: 36310
    country stringnullable


    Example: US
    checkinDate date-timenullable

    The time the check-in happened

    isManual boolean

    This value will be true if the check-in is done manually

    reason stringnullable

    Reason for manual check-in

    overallComment stringnullable

    Overall comment input by the assignee

    Example: Please submit the capa by due date.
    stepExecutions object[]nullable

    Information of the execution steps

  • Array [
  • id string

    UUID of the step

    Example: 1232ef21-2ed2-47c2-b969-b308f9e8edb3
    name string

    Name of the step

    Example: Factory Information
    order integer

    Order of the step

    Example: 0
    result object

    Result of the step if it has score or finding

    rating stringnullable

    Rating label

    Example: Good
    score numbernullable

    Score of the step

    Example: 72
    scoreInPercentage stringnullable

    Score in percentage

    Example: 33.85%
    findings object[]nullable

    List of findings

  • Array [
  • severity string

    Severity of the issue founded in the report

    Possible values: [Critical, Major, Minor]

    Example: Major
    count integer

    Number of findings of the same severity in the report

    Example: 2
  • ]
  • sections object[]nullable

    List of sections

  • Array [
  • improvements object[]nullable

    List of improvements of the section

  • Array [
  • answerId stringnullable

    Unique identifier of the answer of the improvement

    Example: 12372c66-f8ec-40c8-a0c7-355f6205c81e
    content stringnullable

    Content of the improvement

    Example: Is the facility clean and organized?
    customTags object[]nullable

    List of custom tags of the improvement

  • Array [
  • id stringnullable

    Unique identifier

    name stringnullable


  • ]
  • id stringnullable

    Unique identifier of the improvement

    Example: 123df8c5-6b69-4ae2-9cb8-f94fff3ce1f2
  • ]
  • rating stringnullable

    Rating label

    Example: Good
    score numbernullable

    Score of the section as an float

    Example: 6
    scoreInPercentage stringnullable

    Score in percentage

    Example: 33.85%
    findings object[]nullable

    List of findings. Only contains value if the report is issue-based.

  • Array [
  • severity string

    Severity of the issue founded in the report

    Possible values: [Critical, Major, Minor]

    Example: Major
    count integer

    Number of findings of the same severity in the report

    Example: 2
  • ]
  • level integernullable

    Level of the section

    Example: 0
    name stringnullable

    Name of the section

    Example: Manufacturing Control Plan
  • ]
  • questionnaire stringnullable

    Name of the questionnaire in the step

    Example: Factory Introduction
  • ]
  • submitEvent object

    Information on the event submission

    submittedByUser object

    Information of the user who submitted the assessment

    email stringnullable

    Email of the user

    firstName stringnullable

    First name of the user

    Example: John
    lastName stringnullable

    Last name of the user

    Example: Doe
    submitDate date-timenullable

    Submit date

    Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
    submittedByOrg object

    Information of the organization who submitted the assessment

    id stringnullable

    Unique identifier

    name stringnullable


    type stringnullable


    caseStatus stringnullable

    Status of the case, eg. OPEN, REOPEN, CLOSED

    Example: CLOSED
    declineReasons string[]nullable

    Reasons input by the retailer when declining the report

    capa object

    Information of the CAPA, Corrective Action and Preventive Action

    id stringnullable

    Unique identifier of the CAPA

    Example: 1235330e-b74b-4be6-8d8a-cb0560effc11
    status stringnullable

    Status of the CAPA

    Example: NEW
    capaLabels object[]nullable

    List of CAPA labels

  • Array [
  • name stringnullable


    value stringnullable


  • ]
  • updatedDate date-timenullable

    System updated date of the CAPA only (only returned if [capa_details] query parameter is true)

    Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
    updatedByUser stringnullable

    The user who last updated the CAPA (only returned if [capa_details] query parameter is true)

    approvedDate date-timenullable

    The date the CAPA was approved (only returned if [capa_details] query parameter is true)

    Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
    createdDate date-timenullable

    The date the CAPA was created, this is also Report Generated date (only returned if [capa_details] query parameter is true)

    Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
    dueDate date-timenullable

    The date by which the CAPA should be submitted by the requestee (only returned if [capa_details] query parameter is true) organization

    Example: 2025-01-29T00:00:00.000000+00:00
    areaToImproves object[]nullable

    List of area to improve (ATI) (only returned if [capa_details] query parameter is true)

  • Array [
  • id string

    ATI custom ID

    Example: RI03EAE430
    updatedDate date-timenullable

    Last updated date of area to improve

    Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
    title string

    Title of the ATI

    Example: The factory doesnt utilize renewable energy
    category stringnullable

    Category of the ATI

    Example: Environmental
    subCategory stringnullable

    Sub-category of the ATI

    Example: Renewable energy
    requiredCorrection boolean

    ATI required correction set by executor

    Example: true
    recommendation stringnullable

    ATI recommendation set by executor

    Example: Recommendation from auditor
    status string

    Status of the ATI

    Possible values: [New, Completed, Incomplete, Resolved, auto-resolved, auto-incomplete]

    Example: New
    rootCauses object[]nullable

    Rootcause of the ATI, input by the requestee

  • Array [
  • text string


    createdByUser string

    Email of the user who input the text

    createdByOrg string

    Organization name of the user who input the text

  • ]
  • resolutions object[]nullable

    List of ATI resolutions

  • Array [
  • text string


    createdByUser string

    Email of the user who input the text

    createdByOrg string

    Organization name of the user who input the text

  • ]
  • personInCharge stringnullable

    Person in charge of the ATI, input by the requestee

    Example: John Doe
    completionDate date-timenullable

    The completion date of the ATI

    Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
    resolvedDate date-timenullable

    The resolved date the ATI

    Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
    referenceId stringnullable

    Linked finding reference ID. This only have value when the assessment is linked to an external report.

    linkedFindings object[]nullable

    List of linked findings

  • Array [
  • schema stringnullable

    Scheme that is linked to the current Area To Improve

    Possible values: [Higg, SLCP, SMETA]

    Example: SMETA
    title stringnullable

    Linked finding title. This can have value when the assessment is linked to an external report or the questionnaire is issue-based.

    Example: 10s
    severity string

    Severity of the linked findings

    Possible values: [Critical, Major, Minor]

    Example: Major
    category stringnullable

    Linked finding category

    subCategory stringnullable

    Linked finding sub-category

    issueNumber stringnullable

    Linked finding issue number

    description stringnullable

    Linked finding description

    schemeData objectnullable

    Linked finding scheme data

    status stringnullable

    Sedex issue status

    verificationMethod stringnullable

    Sedex issue verification method

    parentAuditFinding stringnullable

    Sedex issue parent audit finding

    rootAuditFinding stringnullable

    Sedex issue root audit finding

    type stringnullable

    Sedex issue type

    verificationOn stringnullable

    Sedex issue verification date

    createOrigin stringnullable

    Sedex issue create origin

  • ]
  • areaToImproveLabels object[]nullable

    List of ATI labels

  • Array [
  • name stringnullable


    value stringnullable


  • ]
  • customFields object
    expectedCompletionDate date-timenullable

    ATI expected completion date, set by the retailer

    Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
    ncDueDate date-timenullable

    NC due date, set by the auditor

    Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
    ncFindDate date-timenullable

    NC find date, set by the auditor

    Example: 2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00
    ncSource stringnullable

    Source of the NC

    Example: Third party
    inScopeCheck stringnullable

    In scope check value

    Example: In Scope
    severity stringnullable

    Issue severity

    Example: Major
    description stringnullable

    Issue description

    Example: During the audit we noticed that...
    comments object[]nullable

    List of comments

  • Array [
  • text string

    The comment for ATI

    createdByUser string

    User email from retailer who input the comment for ATI

  • ]
  • uploadFiles object[]nullable

    The evidence file for ATI

  • Array [
  • url string

    The file URL

    createdByUser string

    Email of the user who uploaded the file

  • ]
  • ]
  • V2ReportDetail
    "id": "5c40e755-3ab0-4fa9-9a44-f76a95f0e87d",
    "caseId": 100000,
    "assessmentId": "100000-2",
    "status": "New",
    "reason": "Annual Audit",
    "workflowName": "Factory Information",
    "executionLocations": "[Desktop Review]",
    "updatedDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "type": "Verification Assessment",
    "announcementType": "Announced",
    "assessmentWindowStart": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "assessmentWindowEnd": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "assessmentDueDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "assessmentRequestDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "assessmentSubmitDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "auditStartDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "auditEndDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "auditTimeSpent": 12,
    "auditors": [
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe"
    "assignedUsers": [
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe"
    "assignedRoles": [
    "name": "UL China"
    "assessmentStartDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "caseExpirationDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "confidentialNotes": {
    "description": "string"
    "customFields": {},
    "standard": {
    "name": "string",
    "version": "string"
    "stakeholders": {
    "requester": {
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "contactPersons": [
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "phone": "123-321",
    "title": "QA Manager"
    "executors": [
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "contactPersons": [
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "phone": "123-321",
    "title": "QA Manager"
    "requestee": {
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "address": "123 Main Street",
    "city": "Abbeville",
    "state": "Alabama",
    "postal": "36310",
    "country": "US",
    "contactPersons": [
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "phone": "123-321",
    "title": "QA Manager"
    "selectedPartners": [
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "address": "123 Main Street",
    "city": "Abbeville",
    "state": "Alabama",
    "postal": "36310",
    "country": "US",
    "contactPersons": [
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "phone": "123-321",
    "title": "QA Manager"
    "totalFindings": [
    "severity": "Major",
    "count": 2
    "rating": "Good",
    "score": "8/10",
    "scoreInPercentage": "80%",
    "reportLabels": [
    "name": "string",
    "value": "string"
    "escalations": [
    "createdDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "status": "string",
    "resolvedDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "escalatedTo": [
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe"
    "escalatedBy": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe"
    "resolvedByUser": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe"
    "checkin": {
    "checkinUser": "string",
    "checkinLocation": {
    "address": "123 Main Street",
    "city": "Abbeville",
    "state": "Alabama",
    "postal": "36310",
    "country": "US"
    "checkinDate": "2024-07-29T15:51:28.071Z",
    "isManual": true,
    "reason": "string"
    "overallComment": "Please submit the capa by due date.",
    "stepExecutions": [
    "id": "1232ef21-2ed2-47c2-b969-b308f9e8edb3",
    "name": "Factory Information",
    "order": 0,
    "result": {
    "rating": "Good",
    "score": 72,
    "scoreInPercentage": "33.85%",
    "findings": [
    "severity": "Major",
    "count": 2
    "sections": [
    "improvements": [
    "answerId": "12372c66-f8ec-40c8-a0c7-355f6205c81e",
    "content": "Is the facility clean and organized?",
    "customTags": [
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string"
    "id": "123df8c5-6b69-4ae2-9cb8-f94fff3ce1f2"
    "rating": "Good",
    "score": 6,
    "scoreInPercentage": "33.85%",
    "findings": [
    "severity": "Major",
    "count": 2
    "level": 0,
    "name": "Manufacturing Control Plan"
    "questionnaire": "Factory Introduction"
    "submitEvent": {
    "submittedByUser": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe"
    "submitDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "submittedByOrg": {
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string"
    "caseStatus": "CLOSED",
    "declineReasons": [
    "capa": {
    "id": "1235330e-b74b-4be6-8d8a-cb0560effc11",
    "status": "NEW",
    "capaLabels": [
    "name": "string",
    "value": "string"
    "updatedDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "updatedByUser": "[email protected]",
    "approvedDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "createdDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "dueDate": "2025-01-29T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
    "areaToImproves": [
    "id": "RI03EAE430",
    "updatedDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "title": "The factory doesnt utilize renewable energy",
    "category": "Environmental",
    "subCategory": "Renewable energy",
    "requiredCorrection": true,
    "recommendation": "Recommendation from auditor",
    "status": "New",
    "rootCauses": [
    "text": "string",
    "createdByUser": "string",
    "createdByOrg": "string"
    "resolutions": [
    "text": "string",
    "createdByUser": "string",
    "createdByOrg": "string"
    "personInCharge": "John Doe",
    "completionDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "resolvedDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "referenceId": "string",
    "linkedFindings": [
    "schema": "SMETA",
    "title": "10s",
    "severity": "Major",
    "category": "string",
    "subCategory": "string",
    "issueNumber": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "schemeData": {
    "status": "string",
    "verificationMethod": "string",
    "parentAuditFinding": "string",
    "rootAuditFinding": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "verificationOn": "string",
    "createOrigin": "string"
    "areaToImproveLabels": [
    "name": "string",
    "value": "string"
    "customFields": {
    "expectedCompletionDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "ncDueDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "ncFindDate": "2024-09-30T10:36:56.057000+00:00",
    "ncSource": "Third party",
    "inScopeCheck": "In Scope",
    "severity": "Major",
    "description": "During the audit we noticed that..."
    "comments": [
    "text": "string",
    "createdByUser": "[email protected]"
    "uploadFiles": [
    "url": "string",
    "createdByUser": "string"